Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My first blog entry...

I should try harder in school... maybe teachers may actually think I care about passing if I pretend to care about what they're saying. And I do care about passing, I just don't like acting like superficially like u knowwww.... omgaahhhh. lol
I just had a blonde spasm... it's okay it happens.
Okay why does it say "Careful the coffee you're about to enjoy is extremely hot" on the starbucks coffee cup.. Why would we enjoy extremely hot coffee? It should probably say the coffee you WERE about to enjoy is extremely hot. And for those people who don't read before getting their morning coffee... I guess getting your tongue burned does make you alert after all. It might as well be boiling hot water to start your day.
anyways, tomorrow I'll be riding my bike with some peepz. It's pretty much the weekend, woohooo!!!

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