Monday, October 20, 2008

New experiences

I woke up really early today and I was proud of myself for having done something unusual. I wanted to break the mold of being late everyday to class. However my car didn't start because of a loose battery connection as well as a bad battery, which pretty much trumps the loose connection. When it was only a half hour away from beginning of class, I gave up the futile attempts to revive the damn battery. I said screewww you battery, and car. You will not stop me from getting my edumacation on today. So I rushed inside and grabbed my bicycle and went on a grueling ride to school. It took me 15 minutes to get to school on a normal 10 minute drive. I'm just happy that my cycle was there after every class, as I didn't even have a lock with me. I rode home when it was dark, and my legs felt like they were on fire as soon as I got on my street.
Now I'm "fasting" during a period when I should be sleeping anyways, since I have a physical bright and early in the morning. Yayy! ..looking forward to watching my female doctor ogle my body with her scrutinous and judgemental eyes. Ugh, not to mention the touching.. >.> Hey at least I'm lucky it's not a dude!!

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